Science and technology-based solutions have been on the forefront of innovation, especially in the context of the global COVID-19 pandemic. As value propositions and supply chains have been forced to pivot, businesses and startups now look ever more outwards to stay competitive. This event offers a deep-dive into frontier technology development experience and market-ready solutions, presented by two leading academic institutions from China and Chile.
This event will take two days, from 23rd to 24th June, 2021, and will be open to the public through ZOOM platform.It also has simultaneous translation English/Spanish and English/Chinese.
Agenda(Chilean time):
Welcome Latin Ameican friends to join us, please make a registeration through the link as below:
Or you can follow us through the live broadcast(in English):
Day 1:
Day 2:
If you have more questions or interest to colaborate with us on Tech. Transfer, please contact us: