
Tsinghua University Latin America Center (hereinafter refers to the Center) has set up Tsinghua Forum in order to promote communication and mutual understanding between China and Chile, Latin America and the Caribbean countries.

The Tsinghua Forum will hold experts’ talks, panel discussions, and open discussions through offline or online ways. The Forum mainly focuses on important issues related to China, Chile and Latin America. We are also striving for building a bridge of friendship between Chinese and Latin American friends through activities related to cultural themes.

We will sincerely invite universities, think tanks, and government agencies in Latin America and the Caribbean to work with Chinese companies, financial institutions, academia, and government-related organizations to jointly host the Tsinghua Forum and make it a platform for full and in-depth communication in an open and frank atmosphere. We will also respond to the requirements of the region and invite people of insight from China to the Forum and have friendly exchanges with everyone.

The Center held the first Tsinghua Forum event on March 27, 2020. The theme was "Sharing China's experience and help Chile and Latin America fight the epidemic". Dr. Hong Ma, an expert of the National Expert Group on New Coronavirus Pneumonia of the National Health Commission of China, Dr. Yi Ning, the Executive Director of Meinian Public Health Institute of Peking University, were invited to share their experiences and lessons learned in the fight against the epidemic with the Latin American community.The conference was strongly co-organized by Fundación País Digital, Universidad Católica de Chile, Universidad de Chile, Universidad Andrés Bello and Universidad de Desarrollo.

Tsinghua University Latin America Center

16th Floor, Block C, Tus-Tech Building,Beijing, China,10020

Tel: (86)10-62795747


Oficina 1103, Rosario Norte 615, Santiago, Chile
