About the Program
The Juris Master (LL.M.) in Chinese Law at Tsinghua is the first formal legal educational program ever offered in China for foreign law students and professionals.
As a country with rich cultural heritage and huge market capitalization, China is a leading destination of Foreign Direct Investment and one of the largest import/export countries worldwide. To ensure sustainable social economic progress, the country has established a complex legal infrastructure through enacting laws and regulations on a global scale.
The trend of globalization has allowed Chinese law to become a necessary knowledge for those who have business, culture, academic and political ambitions. To meet the increasing demand for understanding Chinese law, Tsinghua Law School proudly offers a Juris Master (LL.M.) in Chinese Law for non-Chinese speaking law students and legal professionals.

What is Tsinghua Juris Master (LL.M.) in Chinese Law?
1.The first formal Juris Master (LL.M.) Degree program ever offered in China (since 2005) for foreign law students & lawyers taught in English;
2. One-year program designed to enhance legal academic and practical foundation for international students, scholars and legal professionals;
3. Best Chinese law professors invited to teach the program;
4.Over 300 graduates from 38 countries with inspiring career accomplishments;
5. Because of their joint background in domestic and Chinese law, graduates work in internatonal firms, courts and universities.

Contact information:
Ms. Camellia Liu
Telephone: (8610) 62795941
E-mail: LLMLAW@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn
Wechat QR code:

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