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Tsinghua University Latin America Center held a series of webinars celebrating the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Chile

Source:Xinhua News Agency       Time:2020.12.15

Editor's note:To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Chile, the Latin America Center of Tsinghua University held a series of online seminars with University of Chile and Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, from the 14thto the 18thDecember, 2020. Academics, politicians and trade representatives from China and Chile participated in the event, which aims to strengthen and promote cultural and technological innovation exchanges between the two countries and explore opportunities for cooperation in areas of mutual interest. For more details, please see the following news report.

Prev:Series of seminars on diplomatic relations between China and Chile inaugurated online

Next:SPECIAL: Chile and China commemorate 50 years of relations with a series of conferences on health, economy and education

Tsinghua University Latin America Center

Beijing Office: 237, Weilun Buiding, Tsinghua University,Beijing, China,10020

Tel: (86)10-62795747


Oficina 1103, Rosario Norte 615, Santiago, Chile
