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(Multimedia) Chinese experts share experiences in COVID-19 with Chile

Source:Xinhua News Agency       Time:2020.03.29

Editor's note:The event, entitled "China's experience in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic", was organized by the Latin America Center of Tsinghua University, in cooperation with Chilean entities such as Fundación País Digital, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, UniversityofChile, Andrés Bello University andUniversityofDevelopment.Two Chinese medical experts shared their experiences on the COVID-19 pandemic in the event. For more details, please see the following news report.

Prev:Chinese and Latin American experts discuss on how to address the health crisis

Tsinghua University Latin America Center

Beijing Office: 237, Weilun Buiding, Tsinghua University,Beijing, China,10020

Tel: (86)10-62795747


Oficina 1103, Rosario Norte 615, Santiago, Chile
