On September 1, 2020, Professor Chen Taotao, director of the Center, published an article titled "Seven Positive Factors for the Development of China-Chile Relations in the Post-pandemic Era" in the column of "Connecting China" of Diario Financiero, a financial daily in Chile. The article pointed out that in recent years, with the rapid growth of China-Chile bilateral trade and more Chinese companies investing in Chile, China-Chile relations have well developed. Under the impact of COVID-19, thanks to China’s relatively strong economic recovery, we can expect an improvement soon.
Professor Chenhas cast light on the seven positive factors and pointed out that these factors will support the development of China-Chile economic and trade relations after the pandemic.First, there are obvious complementary economic factors between China and Chile. The complementary features not only stimulate bilateral trade, but also encourage investment.Second, Chilean products haveopenedand willownmore Chinese market share, and China is committed to continuously opening up the market to the world.Third, more cost-effective Chinese products will also enter the Chilean market.Fourth, more Chinese companies and financial institutions areinvestingand will continue to invest in Chile.Fifth, explore more technology-oriented new fields for future cooperation, such as digital-oriented business and clean energy-related fields.Sixth, China and Chile formed a comprehensive strategic partnership at the national level in 2016 and reached an agreement on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to support multilateralism and inclusive development. In 2018, Chile and China signed a memorandum of understanding on the"Belt and Road" initiative. All these agreements confirmed the common opinions of the two countries and laid a concrete foundation for further cooperation.Seventh, through various activities and contacts, Chinese and Chilean peoples have had more opportunitiesto know each other, enhancing the mutual understanding and trust between the two countries.
The article finally pointed out that before and during the pandemic, large-scale conflicts between China and the United Stateshave beenthe world's biggest concern.Even though the extentofits impact should be carefully evaluated, we still have enough confidence in the further development of China-Chile relations in the post-epidemic era.
Link of the article published inDiario Financiero: